ICBUW Current Work – Events, Papers and other Documents

26. September 2023 Blog posts, ICBUW, Publications and Videos

In this post we would like to inform you about our current work.

Event on the 6th of November in Munich (Hybrid)

ICBUW invites everyone interested in the topic to participate in our event on the 6th of November in Munich.


Background: Since 2000 and the foundation of ICBUW in 2003 it has become more and more clear that the use of uranium weapons, or ammunition containing depleted uranium (DU), through their chemical and radiological toxicity creates great risks for human health and the environment. The use of this indiscriminate weapon, which took place i.a. in the Gulf wars and in the Balkans, is illegal under existing Humanitarian, Human Rights and En- vironmental Law. There is urgent need for victim assistance and environmental remediation.

Against this background and starting from the fundamental rejection of war as a means of conflict resolution, ICBUW is working for the prevention of DU weapons‘ use, production tes- ting, and for helping victims, and, finally, a ban outlawing and getting rid of this barbaric weaponry altogether. While there has been a certain tendency of replacing DU weapons by less toxic alternatives, and with a process of UNGA resolutions adopted on the issue, the war in Ukraine led to a kind of DU renaissance as well as to a heated debate. So, where are we now?!…


Draft Program:

Film Presentations:

  • Animated short video („Depleted Uranium“) and
  • Film by Moritz Enders („Toxic NATO“) on justice for DU victims in Southern Serbia


  • Prof. Manfred Mohr (Co Chair ICBUW; International Lawyer; IHL and HR expert)
  • Ria Verjauw (Co Chair ICBUW; Belgian Coalition Stop uranium weapons; Coordinator of Leuven Peace Movement)
  • Dr. Sdran Aleksic (Lawyer; Proceedings on behalf of Serbian DU victims; Nis Symposia)
  • Claus Biegert (Journalist; Founding member ICBUW/Germany; Nuclear Free Future Award)
  • Brigitte Obermayer (WIPLF; Founding member ICBUW/Germany; Munich Peace Alliance)
  • Heidi Meinzolt/Moderation (WILPF; European affairs expert; Founding member Women Security Council Germany)


Current ICBUW Papers and Documents: