Recent publications and campaigns

19. September 2021 Blog posts, News

We are happy to inform you about the recent publications and campaigns which ICBUW joined recently.

First Committee Briefing Book 2021

Published by Reaching Criticall Will (disarmament programme of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), the oldest women’s peace organization in the world) ahead of the 2021 UN General Assembly First Committee, the briefing book highlights a number of critical disarmament topics and suggests how governments can achieve progress on them.

The General Assembly’s work on disarmament is conducted through its First Committee. The briefing book provides a quick overview of the state of play on some of the most pressing issues that will be addressed at First Committee session. It also outlines recommendations for governments from some of the key civil society groups working on these topics. The civil society organisations, coalitions, and campaigns participating most actively at the First Committee have argued consistently that we can and must replace watered-down outcomes with real results that advance human security and social and economic justice.

Also this year, the First Committee Briefing Book features ICBUW`s input about depleted uranium weapons. The article highlights, that DU weapons can already be regarded to as illegal, or banned, under existing international law (e.g. the principle of distinction, emerging human right to a healthy environment, precautionary principle under IHL and EL). It also includes recommendations regarding for the First Committee and beyond. You can read the full version of the article here. Full briefing book can be downloaded here.

COP26 Call for Action

ICBUW recently signed the COP 26 Call for Action, started by CEOBS. There are signs that some countries may pledge to reduce military greenhouse gas emissions at COP26 in November. COP26 call sets out the scope of what these pledges should include and is open for signature by organisations before and during the COP.

Militaries are major emitters and should not be excluded from GHG reduction targets. Governments must demonstrate their commitment to the Paris targets by setting military greenhouse gas reduction targets at COP26. For these commitments to be meaningful, they must meet the criteria set out below:

  • Set clear GHG emission reduction targets for the military that are consistent with the 1.5oC target specified by the 2015 Paris Agreement;
  • Commit to GHG emission reporting mechanisms that are robust, comparable and transparent, are based on the GHG protocol, and which are independently verified;
  • Contain clear reduction targets for the military technology industry;
  • Address how reducing military expenditure and deployments, and altering military postures can reduce emissions;
  • Highlight the relationship between climate change and environmental degradation, and demonstrate a commitment to reducing the overall environmental impact of all military activities and missions;
  • Commit to allocating the appropriate resources to ensure all climate and environmental protection policies can be fully implemented.

Your organisation can support the call by signing it on CEOBS website.